Welcome, members!
This is the first week of the Main Season program! If you have a weekly pickup or delivery or a biweekly delivery, this is your week to begin! If you have a biweekly pickup, you begin next week. The coding on the newsletter where it says "Week 1D" indicates that it is the first week in the 20 week program and the D indicates that it is a biweekly delivery week. Next week will say "2P" and so on.
This lovely lady is Jill, and she'll be greeting you in the store on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
If I'm covering for Jill or if it's later in the day on Wednesday, you'll see me, Victoria. Sometimes I tag-team with Dawn on Saturdays if I'm not on Peter-duty (our 2-year-old son).
This is Randy's mom Dawn, who'll be there on Saturdays. (Though not with tomatoes yet!)
Here are some of our other amazing crew members. You'll get to know them more in-depth on Tuesday, when I send out their bios to our marketing list (click the arrows to scroll through).
Quite a few more will join us in the weeks to come, and we'll make sure we introduce them, too. If you've been a member of the Extended Season program, these wonderful people have been responsible for helping with the planting and harvesting of the veggies in your share.
If you're not in our private Facebook group, join us; we've got prizes! This week we entered in the names of all of the members who posted photos of their meals during the Extended Season period. Randy pulled one name from a hat and Terry P. won a prize! It was a small bottle of infused olive oil or vinegar of her choice from Dash 'N Drizzle. We want to boost up engagement in the group, so there will be more like this to come. Ask a question, share a success, answer our polls. We LOVE learning from you all. To join:
Find us @laurelglenfarmllc
Click the community tab
Find the 2021 Subscription Members group
Request access, and I'll approve you
And speaking of prizes, we have a contest this week to celebrate week 1:
Submit a photo of you cooking your produce. We want to share photos of real members! Email it to laurelglenfarm@gmail.com or tag us on Facebook or Instagram @laurelglenfarmllc. The deadline is 6/13. One person will be chosen at random to win a prize.
If you enrolled for your share during our Early Registration period (before Thanksgiving), remember that you qualified to receive a free Laurel Glen Farm mug! Most of you received it back in the fall, but if you didn't, you will this week. You may also remember the trouble that we had with the logo washing off. Unfortunately these are still the same mugs that the company sent us, so just be sure to hand wash it lightly to preserve the logo and to keep it out of the dishwasher.
And now on to our farming updates!
This week, you're all receiving an herb as the bonus item in your share. For pickup recipients, you'll be able to choose from 4 options: cilantro, oregano, sage, or dill. For delivery recipients, it will be oregano. Don't forget that you can always check out www.laurelglenfarm.com/resources for tips on how to use everything in your share, including these herbs, and how to store them in the short- and long-term. We're really excited that we now have an extensive herb garden alongside our greenhouse and hope it'll give us all the opportunity to try to challenge ourselves to cook with more of them.
Check out this video of Randy using his cultivator to weed the beets. There are a lot of things that we do to limit our chemical applications, and this is one of those ways. The cultivator pulls up the weeds that grow in the rows.
Here are 2 more videos. One is a ride-along in Randy's Massey Ferguson tractor (the big one with the cab!), where you'll see lettuce thriving up at our Booth Hill location. The other is of our team transplanting peppers.
This weather has been all over the place. We had planned to include arugula in your shares this week, but we lost the entire crop! Randy said he has never seen it flower so fast. We are so upset! We had record-breaking temperatures last Sunday, and then the continued heat and lack of rain caused it all to "bolt" (which means it flowered and went to seed). Randy even tried to irrigate it to keep it cool, and it didn't help.
We are very nervous about the forecast going forward because now we have the opposite: rainy and cold. No sun means a halt on some of the items we hoped we would have going forward. Randy hoped the squash would be ready for week 2, but with this forecast it looks questionable. Because of the nerve-wracking weather, everything in your share is subject to change. This rarely happens, but we wanted to let you know anyway. The value of the share is never compromised either way. We always include an extra dollar or two in your share over the cost you paid into it.
Peas look good, though!
One more thing about your share before we get into contents and recipes. Although they are not customizable, we do have our "Veggie Swap" table available in the store. Feel free to leave something you don't want and take another item in its place. Sorry, but we can't take requests to swap things out of your share ahead of time. Anything left over at the end of the day will be donated to an organization called Real Food Share, which distributes to non-profits in need.
Cooking Tip of the Week:
Don't toss those leek tops! Most recipes we come across say to use the "white and light green parts only" but leek tops are usable. Personally, we use the entire thing in a recipe, but you can also save them in a freezer bag to make soup stock or flavor your soup later this year. Fun fact: the leeks in your share were planted this time last year and "overwintered" for our use this spring.
If you find a long seed pod growing up off the top of your leek, that's called a "leek scape" - if you're familiar with garlic scapes, it's the same concept. As the leek nears the end of its life, its goal is to reproduce and make seeds. You can eat the whole scape, as you can with other onion family plants' scapes. Here's one quick recipe to make with leek scapes just in case:
Potato Salad with Leek Scapes and Herbs
In Your Share
1 bunch of broccoli rabe
1 bunch of Tokyo bekana
1/2 lb. of leeks
1 bunch of kale
1/4 lb. of spinach
1/4 lb. of Asian mix
1 herb bunch
1 bunch of broccoli rabe
1 bunch of Tokyo bekana
1 lb. of leeks
1 bunch of kale
1/2 lb. of spinach
1/2 lb. of Asian mix
1 bunch of pea tendrils
1 herb bunch
Caring For Your Share:
More storage tips can be found in our Library of Resources
Store Tokyo bekana, kale, leeks, and broccoli rabe in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of the fridge. Wash when ready to use.
Keep Asian mix and spinach in the plastic bag in the fridge. When ready to use, wash in cold water and spin out in a salad spinner. Use within the week.
Reference the Library of Resources for tips about how to store the herb bunch you received; it will be dependent upon the type.
LGF Cooking Club:
Here's how this section will always be structured:
It will contain a few recipes for the items in the small share. For additional tips, reference the Library of Resources. There is SO much more you can do. The library contains numerous general recipes for every item you'll find in your share.
This section will be more seasonal, and will likely include recipes that are a combination of more than one of the items in your share.
Reference the Library of Resources for tips about how to cook with the herb bunch you received; it will be dependent upon the type.
Baked Kale-Spinach Balls https://www.buonapappa.net/baked-kale-spinach-balls/
Spinach and Kale Turnovers https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/spinach-kale-turnovers
Colcannon with Kale and Leeks (Irish mashed potatoes!) https://swirlsofflavor.com/colcannon-with-kale-and-leeks/
Andouille, Broccoli Rabe, and Spinach Fried Rice https://sarahscucinabella.com/2015/07/09/andouille-broccoli-rabe-and-spinach-fried-rice/
A Stir Fry Formula (use your Tokyo bekana and Asian greens mix) https://omnivorescookbook.com/how-to-make-stir-fry/
Green Frittata with Leeks, Kale, and Parsley https://www.washingtonpost.com/recipes/green-frittata-leeks-kale-and-parsley/17802/