We are still planting like crazy, pretty much daily.
This week, Audrey and Laina worked in the pouring rain to plant tomatoes, and then the crew finished and staked and tied them the next day. This is in between harvesting for so many different outlets. We spend the morning harvesting and washing veggies - and each day is different - and then we move on to bigger projects, particularly planting and setting up irrigation.
We're increasing our wholesale efforts and have built a relationship with the food service director in town. We are SO excited that our produce will be served at Shelton High School this week. They'll be serving up broccoli rabe, arugula, Asian greens, and spinach.

The Shelton Farmers' Market started on Saturday from 9 to 12, and Steve will be holding down the booth every week. We got off to an awesome start already! The Monroe Farmers' Market begins in mid-June.

We also powered to get the entire flower field planted (below). In case you missed it, Katelyn of Rustle Floral Co. moved on to her other job full time, working at National Floral Supply and managing their flower growing. We didn't want to neglect to have flowers available this year, so we took the reigns and planted our own. We plan to use these for weekend pick-your-own as well as a DIY flower arranging "bar" in the barn on weekends. These should be ready in late June if all goes well. We planted dahlias, sunflowers, zinnia, snapdragons, celosia, cosmos, matricaria, grass fillers, ornamental basil, and more! We're really excited for this new endeavor and are crossing our fingers that we know what we're doing...

We have a pretty sophisticated system that we use for food traceability. This allows us to not only stay organized in the coolers, but also to trace every single vegetable that comes from the field and documents its end user. Here's what it looks like:

After veggies are harvested, the crew logs them into a binder. They log the date, the type of produce, who harvested the produce, which field on the farm it came out of, and the batch number for how many times it was harvested that day. This is the basis for the lot number on that produce.
After it's washed, the wash station attendant logs that they washed it and then documents its final use code: whether it will be used for wholesale, the store, CSA shares, markets, etc. They copy the lot code onto a tag that says "reserved" or "can be sold" depending on whether it's being used for something specific versus being used to stock the store.
The purpose of this system is not only so we're all on the same page about what was harvested, when, and what can be sold, but also in the very, very rare event (it's never happened) that we would need to recall produce, we know who to contact.

Ladybugs are so helpful in combating pests on the farm. They eat aphids - a particularly nasty pest that takes over. When I see them out in the fields, I love to say "thank you" for doing their part to keep the veggies healthy.
One last update: going forward, we will be sharing these posts with our entire mailing list. I have decided to combine the way that I write to both audiences to streamline information in one spot. The headings will no longer reflect the week of the program, but the bottom of the newsletter will have a dedicated spot to information about the share contents, as always. Because of this, I plan to have newsletters out on the Thursday night or Friday before as opposed to Sundays. This comes with a large disclaimer that it's incredibly hard to promise share contents as far as 9 days out (Saturday pickups) and there may be changes to your box contents. If that is the case, we would amend the list and let you know by Sunday night - the usual time we get the newsletter out. I am going to try this system and see how it works - I just feel like I've been duplicating my work by writing these updates and mid-week emails to the general mailing list. Thanks for being flexible, everyone!
The best way to reach us quickly is always by email - laurelglenfarm@gmail.com
Please note that Victoria does not work on Thursdays. Emails or phone calls received on Wednesday night through Thursday will be answered on Fridays.
Here are the fresh veggies we plan to have in stock while supplies last (through Friday, 5/24):
Bok choy
Broccoli rabe (the last of it for another month or so)
Collard greens (the last of it for another month or so)
Fresh herbs (sage, thyme, rosemary, mint, oregano, parsley)
Kale (the last of it for another month or so)
Pea tendrils (the last of them for 2024!)
Spinach (limited quantities - it needs a rest)
Swiss chard
Tatsoi (like a cross between bok choy and spinach. The last of it until the fall!)
Tokyo bekana (a leaf cabbage for stir fry, salad, or slaw)
As you can see, our inventory is starting to change over as we head for June. Sugar snap peas, broccoli, garlic scapes, and new greens will be in season soon.
Sold as single plants ($4.50 each or 3 for $12):
Heirloom slicing tomatoes (Black Krim, Striped German, Brandywine, and Cherokee Purple)
Red and yellow slicing tomatoes (we don't label the specific varieties, but these are all of the same globe tomatoes we grow on the farm)
Red and yellow grape tomatoes
Red cherry tomatoes
Red bell peppers
Sold in 2-packs ($4.50 each or 2 for $8):
Slicing and pickling cucumbers
Yellow squash
Sold in 4-packs ($8.50 each or 2 for $16):
Green and red lettuce
Green beans
Basil, cilantro, dill, thyme, parsley, mint, oregano, and sage
Sunflowers, snapdragons, and zinnias

Hanging flower baskets are blooming! We have 12 different color palettes each with sweet names like "Pop the Bubbly" and "Wisteria Lane." They're $25 each or 2 for $46 and you can mix and match varieties.
We also have dahlia plants for sale (perfect for containers or landscaping) - $2.50 each or 5 for $10.

Randy's cousin Amanda who has done so much work for Laurel Glen Farm is now a graphic designer and put my vision for a slogan onto the back of our new shirts in the cutest way. Our friend Brittany from Shaggy Coos Farm's dad is a printer and he made the vision a reality. We can't get enough of the way that these turned out and would like to thank Amanda so much for her time and creative eye.
Shirts are $22, unisex, and available in S, M, L, XL, and XXL. They're 100% cotton, incredibly soft, and slightly baggy for a trendy, lived-in feel for stepping out at your favorite casual establishment.
The front is the Laurel Glen Farm logo and the back is a beet with the phrase "keep your friends close and your farmers closer."
** Subscription pickup occurs during all open hours on your scheduled pickup day and we hold your share for 24 hours afterward.
Monday: 10:30 to 6
Tuesday: 10:30 to 6
Wednesday: 10:30 to 6
Thursday: 10:30 to 6
Friday: 10:30 to 5
Saturday: 9 to 4
Sunday: 10 to 3

Our next book club meeting will take place on a Saturday or Sunday morning in July. The date is TBD and will be determined based upon other farm events. We'll be able to announce the date in late June, but we recommend trying to complete the book by July 1st just in case (although many of us at the meeting had not yet finished! Don't let that discourage you from attending.) We'll ask you to RSVP once we post the date.
This week's reflection question: If you read The Secret Life of Groceries, how does the information in this book compare? Track the similarities and differences as you read.

Coming soon: a free farm walking tour in June and pick-your-own peas. The walking tour will be on Sunday, June 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Shine only - no rain date.) Please be advised that this will include a lot of walking in both locations and will be hilly. Although kids are absolutely invited (our own will be coming!), we will be taking our time, staying inside of walking areas, and in the elements for a prolonged period of time. Tentative dates for PYO peas: June 21, 22, and 23rd.
More information on both to come.
How to Change Your Pickup Day
If you need to skip your share for the week, or change your pickup day, you must provide us with 48 hours notice for any of the options below. This is because we pack shares the day before pickup. Once your share has been harvested and packed, we can not cancel your pickup.
For Tuesday pickups being changed, we need to know by Sunday.
Wednesday pickups, we need to know by Monday.
Saturday pickups, we need to know by Thursday.
You have the option to choose another of those pickup days in a given week: Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday.
You can skip a pickup and receive a double the following week.
If you miss your pickup, we will hold your share for 24 hours after your pickup day, and then it will be donated to a local food pantry. With more members than ever before, we don't have the cooler space to hold onto shares longer than this. This is a great option if you accidentally miss your pickup - just come the next day.
You can always send a guest to pick up in your place by simply notifying us of their name.
(Listed approximately from shortest shelf life to longest)
1 bunch of celery
1 Grab-a-Green (Pick your choice of greens from the free choice table! Swiss chard, escarole, arugula, lettuce, and Tokyo bekana will be available while supplies last)
1 head of escarole
1 head of bok choy
1 head of romaine
2 lbs. of leeks
1 bunch of rosemary
1 bunch of celery
1 Grab-a-Green (Pick your choice of greens from the free choice table! Swiss chard, escarole, arugula, lettuce, and Tokyo bekana will be available while supplies last)
1 head of bok choy
1 head of romaine
1 lb. of leeks
Caring For Your Share (All of this information, plus long-term storage info, can also be found in our Vegetable Library of Resources).
Store bok choy in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your fridge. Wash and pat dry when ready to use (within the week).
Store leeks in a plastic bag in the fridge. Wash when read to use.
Store romaine and escarole in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of the fridge (you can use two bags, one on each end, if needed due to size). Wash and spin out; use within the week.
Trim the bottoms of the celery stalks and place in a jar of water in the fridge, like a bouquet. Put a plastic bag over the leaves to protect them.
Wrap rosemary in a damp paper towel and place it in a plastic bag in the fridge. It will last a week or two.
The LGF Cooking Club (Recipes to try in addition to those in the Library of Resources!)
Large Share Additional Items